why the kinship system work?

Because it help out the people


I cannot found this answer in my book. Can someone please me. Thank you

How would an anthropologist from the U.S. or Europe view any culture's domestic control of women without being biased and condemning?

To understand why the kinship system works, we need to delve into the basic concept and function of this social system. The kinship system is a way to organize and structure relationships between individuals based on family ties, bloodlines, and other forms of relatedness. It plays a vital role in societies by providing a framework for individuals to navigate familial obligations, responsibilities, and privileges.

Here's how the kinship system works:

1. Creating social bonds: The kinship system establishes social bonds among individuals within a community or society. It defines relationships such as parent-child, sibling, grandparent-grandchild, and so on. These relationships provide a sense of belonging, identity, and connection within the social fabric.

2. Providing emotional support: The kinship system fosters emotional support and care within families. Through kinship ties, individuals can find emotional security, love, and companionship. It creates a network of support during challenging times and acts as a source of joy during celebrations.

3. Transmitting cultural values: Kinship systems often play a crucial role in passing down cultural traditions, beliefs, and values from one generation to another. Within the family unit, individuals learn societal norms, customs, and practices. The kinship system allows for the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage and identity.

4. Sharing resources: Families within the kinship system often share resources such as food, shelter, finances, and education. Members of the family contribute to collective goals and ensure the welfare of all family members. This pooling of resources promotes social and economic stability within the family and can be extended to the larger community.

5. Providing care and support for children and elderly: The kinship system provides a structure for the care and support of children and elderly family members. It ensures that younger generations receive guidance, education, and emotional nurturing, while older family members are taken care of during their vulnerable years.

Overall, the kinship system works because it establishes social cohesion, emotional support, cultural continuity, and resource-sharing within families and communities. It creates a sense of belonging, identity, and stability for individuals, enabling them to navigate their personal lives and contribute to the well-being of the larger society.