Hi I'm grade10 and I was wondering if you's could help

Me to get a career examples after matric because my school took away our Physics for unknown reasons so insted of Physics or another subject that would help you in the future they gave us History please help me with a career because the one I had my school ruined it for me

Ask your school counselor for help.

What are your grades in those classes? If they're high, then you have more choices.

What do you want to do?

Try these interest inventories to help you focus on your interests.




(Thanks to Ms. Sue for these links.)

I want to be a doctor


E standard garde c standard grade c higher grade

I was wondering if i could become a lawyer with these subjects? plz help


Hi there! I'd be happy to help you explore some career options after matric. Even though your school took away Physics, there are still many other career paths that you can consider. Let's start by discussing the skills and interests you already have.

1. Identify your interests and passions: Think about the subjects or activities that you genuinely enjoy or are curious about. For example, do you like working with numbers, writing, problem-solving, helping others, or being creative? Identifying your interests can help guide you towards a suitable career path.

2. Explore alternative science-related subjects: While you may not have Physics, you can still consider subjects like Chemistry or Biology. These can lead to careers in fields such as healthcare, research, pharmaceuticals, environmental science, or agriculture.

3. Look into technology-related careers: With the rapid growth of technology, there are numerous career opportunities in fields like computer science, software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, or digital marketing. These careers often require strong analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.

4. Consider social sciences and humanities: Since you mentioned that your school replaced Physics with History, it might be worth exploring career options that are more focused on the social sciences or humanities. This includes careers in fields like law, journalism, teaching, social work, psychology, or archaeology. These fields usually require good communication and research skills.

5. Research and gain experience: Once you have identified some potential career paths, take the time to research each one. Look for job descriptions, required qualifications, and possible career progression. Additionally, try to gain practical experience or exposure in your chosen field by volunteering, shadowing professionals, or participating in internships.

Remember, it's never too late to pursue your passions and find a career path that suits your interests and strengths. Good luck with your journey of exploring different options!