The average of two numbers is 81. The difference between the number is 26. What is the smaller number?

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The average of two numbers is 81. The difference between the number is 26. What is the smaller number?

To find the smaller number, let's consider:

Let's assume the two numbers are x and y (with x being the smaller number).

According to the given information:
1. The average of two numbers is 81.
The average of two numbers can be calculated by summing the numbers and dividing by 2. So we have:
(x + y) / 2 = 81

2. The difference between the numbers is 26.
The difference between two numbers can be calculated by subtracting the smaller number from the larger number. So we have:
y - x = 26

To solve for x, we can use the second equation to express y in terms of x:
y = x + 26

Substituting this value of y into the first equation, we can solve for x:
(x + (x + 26)) / 2 = 81
(2x + 26) / 2 = 81
2x + 26 = 162
2x = 162 - 26
2x = 136
x = 136 / 2
x = 68

Therefore, the smaller number is 68.