Nilo drives is van with an average velocity of 45.0 km/h along the North Expressway. How long will it take him to drive 350 km on a perfectly straight highway

To calculate the time it will take for Nilo to drive 350 km on a straight highway, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Velocity

Distance = 350 km
Velocity = 45.0 km/h

Plugging in the values, we get:
Time = 350 km / 45.0 km/h

Calculating this:

Time = 7.778 hours

Therefore, it will take Nilo approximately 7.778 hours to drive 350 km on the straight highway.

To find out how long it will take Nilo to drive 350 km on the North Expressway, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Velocity

In this case, the distance is 350 km and the velocity is 45.0 km/h.

Plugging the values into the formula, we get:

Time = 350 km / 45.0 km/h

To calculate the value, we divide 350 by 45.0:

Time = 7.78 hours

Therefore, it will take Nilo approximately 7.78 hours to drive 350 km on a perfectly straight highway.

