15.   Which statement best describes the composition of magma? 

    A. Magma is an element all its own.B. Magma contains the same elements as snow.C. Magma contains only three elements.D. Magma contains the same elements as Earth's crust. 

To determine the best answer to this question, we need to understand the composition of magma. Magma is a molten mixture of various substances that form beneath the Earth's surface. It consists of three main components: solid particles, liquid rock, and gases.

Option A, "Magma is an element all its own," is not accurate. Magma is not an element on its own but rather a complex mixture.

Option B, "Magma contains the same elements as snow," is not correct either. While snow is made up of water, magma consists of different elements and minerals.

Option C, "Magma contains only three elements," is not accurate. Magma is composed of several elements and minerals, not just three.

Option D, "Magma contains the same elements as Earth's crust," is the most accurate statement. The composition of magma is fundamentally similar to the elements found in the Earth's crust. It contains elements like silicon, aluminum, oxygen, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium, among others.

Therefore, the correct answer is D: "Magma contains the same elements as Earth's crust."