Which statement best illustrates the nature of a Bildungsroman?

A.The hero in this story never seem to understand his own faults
B.In Caldwell novel her protagonist, Lucille, seek the approval of seriously slimy characters
C.The hero in this story stands like a rock aganist tides of change that never touch him
D. In Caldwell's novel her protagonist, Lucille, overcome many obstacles to achieve her goals
Is it A

No, the correct answer is D. In Caldwell's novel, her protagonist, Lucille, overcomes many obstacles to achieve her goals. A Bildungsroman is a novel that focuses on the moral, psychological, and intellectual growth of a main character, usually from childhood to adulthood. The story typically involves the protagonist facing and overcoming various challenges and obstacles, leading to personal development and self-discovery. In this case, Lucille's journey of overcoming obstacles highlights the nature of a Bildungsroman.