


Please check
Thank you.

Both are correct

Both are right.

To check the given equations, we substitute the values of 'm' and 'y' into the equations and verify if the equations hold true.

For the first equation:
3m - 4 = 14

Substituting m = 6:
3(6) - 4 = 18 - 4 = 14
Since both sides of the equation are equal, the given equation is correct.

For the second equation:
11 = 2y - 15

Substituting y = 13:
11 = 2(13) - 15
11 = 26 - 15 = 11
Again, both sides of the equation are equal, so the given equation is correct.

In conclusion, both equations hold true when m = 6 and y = 13. Therefore, your calculations are correct.