Which of the following 19th century developments most undermined the racial philosophy John C. Calhoun Outlined in the excerpt from his 1848 Senate speech?

A The establishment of the Ku Klux Klan

B The enforcement of the black codes

C. The suspension of habeas corpus
D The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment

My guess is A.

It is not A.

It's not B.

Please do not post this again. You can look up the other answers to see which is correct.

its d.

Thanks i suppose.

wait what?

What did Calhoun think of slavery?


To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the racial philosophy John C. Calhoun outlined in his 1848 Senate speech. John C. Calhoun was a prominent politician and defender of slavery in the 19th century. In his speech, he asserted that slavery was a "positive good" and argued for the preservation and expansion of the institution.

Now let's evaluate each of the options provided to identify which one most undermined Calhoun's racial philosophy:

A. The establishment of the Ku Klux Klan: The Ku Klux Klan was a white supremacist organization that emerged in the post-Civil War era. It targeted African Americans and sought to maintain white supremacy through intimidation, violence, and terrorism. While the KKK did align with Calhoun's racial philosophy, it is important to note that it developed after his speech and therefore did not directly undermine his beliefs.

B. The enforcement of the black codes: The black codes were a series of laws enacted by Southern states after the Civil War in an attempt to restrict the rights and freedoms of African Americans. These laws aimed to maintain white control over the emancipated black population. The enforcement of black codes did align with Calhoun's ideas and therefore did not undermine his racial philosophy.

C. The suspension of habeas corpus: The suspension of habeas corpus refers to the temporary revocation of the right to be brought before a judge or court to determine if one's detention is lawful. While habeas corpus is a fundamental protection against arbitrary arrest and detention, its suspension does not directly undermine Calhoun's racial philosophy.

D. The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment: The Thirteenth Amendment, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States. This development directly contradicted Calhoun's belief that slavery was a "positive good" and significantly undermined his racial philosophy.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is D. The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment most undermined the racial philosophy outlined by John C. Calhoun in his 1848 Senate speech.


B then

Since he defended it as something postive

Yeah, Its A. :)