The Booster Club has a goal of raising at least $300. The Club has already raised $150. The Booster Club is sponsoring a pancake breakfast and charging $4.00 per ticket. What inequality would represent the number of tickets (t) that the Booster Club must sell to meet its goal?

The answer has to be greater or equal to 300. The answer is not 38.

Already answered.

38 * 4 = 152

300 - 150 = 150

The club needs to sell 38 tickets.

Why do you think the answer isn't 38?

38 multiplied 4 equals 152 does not represent an inequality representing t - read the question again

To find the inequality that represents the number of tickets the Booster Club must sell to meet its goal, we need to consider the amount of money already raised and the cost of each ticket.

Let's represent the number of tickets as 't'. We know that the Booster Club has already raised $150, and the cost of each ticket is $4. Therefore, the amount of money raised from selling tickets can be calculated as 4t.

To meet the goal of raising at least $300, the amount of money raised from selling tickets (4t) must be greater than or equal to $300. So, the inequality representing this situation can be written as:

4t ≥ 300

This inequality ensures that the total amount raised from selling tickets is greater than or equal to $300.