Russell is 6 years older than Samantha. In 4 years the sum of their ages will be 78. How old is Russell now?

I have been having a lot of issues this problem. I can't figure out how to really answer this question.

r = s+6

in 4 years,
r+4 + s+4 = 78

so, now we can see that

(s+6)+4 + s+4 = 78
2s+14 = 78
2s = 64
s = 32


Samantha is 32 and Russell is 38
In 4 years, they will be 36 and 42 (sum = 78)

To solve this problem, let's break down the information given.

1. Let's assume Samantha's age is x. Therefore, Russell's age would be x + 6 (since Russell is 6 years older than Samantha).

2. In 4 years, Samantha's age will be x + 4, and Russell's age will be (x + 6) + 4 = x + 10.

3. The sum of their ages in 4 years will be 78, so we can write the equation: (x + 4) + (x + 10) = 78.

4. Simplify the equation: 2x + 14 = 78.

Now, we can solve for x:

5. Subtract 14 from both sides of the equation: 2x = 64.

6. Divide both sides by 2: x = 32.

So, Samantha's current age is 32. To find Russell's age, we add 6 to Samantha's age:

Russell's current age = Samantha's current age + 6 = 32 + 6 = 38.

Therefore, Russell is currently 38 years old.