A picture 40cm long and 30cm wide is surrounded by a 2cm frame.Find the area of the frame?

Outer dimension of the picture :

44 by 34
area whole thing including the frame = 44x34 = ...

area of picture = 40x30

so area of frame = ???

To find the area of the frame, we need to subtract the area of the picture from the total area including the frame.

First, let's calculate the area of the picture:

Area of the picture = Length × Width = 40 cm × 30 cm = 1200 cm²

Next, let's calculate the total area including the frame:

To find the length of the frame, we add the thickness of the frame on both sides of the picture:

Length of the frame = Length of the picture + Thickness of frame on each side = 40 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm = 44 cm

Similarly, for the width of the frame:

Width of the frame = Width of the picture + Thickness of frame on each side = 30 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm = 34 cm

Now, we can calculate the area of the total frame:

Area of the total frame = (Length of the frame) × (Width of the frame) = 44 cm × 34 cm = 1496 cm²

Finally, to find the area of the frame, we subtract the area of the picture from the area of the total frame:

Area of the frame = Area of the total frame - Area of the picture = 1496 cm² - 1200 cm² = 296 cm²

Therefore, the area of the frame is 296 cm².