Choose the correct evaluation of each underlined word. (Larsen's underlined in this sentence)

6. The Larsen’s decided not to shutter their windows even though they were taking vacation at the height of hurricane
A. Larsen’s contains a correct apostrophe.
B. The apostrophe should come after the s: Larsens’.
C. Larsens should not have an apostrophe.

Ans: C (because Larsens is acting as a plural noun?)

Right ... it's plural, but not possessive.

Ok, thanks!

You're welcome!

Correct! The evaluation for the underlined word "Larsen's" in this sentence is C. "Larsens" should not have an apostrophe.

To arrive at this conclusion, we need to understand the rules regarding the use of apostrophes in possessive nouns. In this case, "Larsens" refers to a plural noun, indicating that it belongs to multiple people or entities named Larsen.

When we want to show possession for a plural noun like "Larsens," we do not add an apostrophe before the 's'. Instead, we simply add an apostrophe after the 's'. Therefore, the correct form would be "Larsens'."

However, in the given sentence, "Larsen's" is incorrect because it suggests singular possession rather than plural possession. Thus, option C is the correct evaluation: Larsens should not have an apostrophe.