Check my math please...

is the probability of three events with the following individual probs:

1/161x10/100x20/100=0.00012; and that is a 0.012% (1.2%) chance?


Online, “*” is used to indicate multiplication to avoid confusion with “x” as an unknown.

1/161*10/100*20/100 = 1/161 * .1 * .2 = .00012 = .012% ≠ 1.2%

To calculate the probability of three events occurring, you need to multiply their individual probabilities. In your case, the probability of the first event happening is 1/161, the probability of the second event happening is 10/100 or 1/10, and the probability of the third event happening is 20/100 or 1/5.

To find the overall probability, you multiply these fractions:

(1/161) * (1/10) * (1/5) = 1/(161 * 10 * 5) = 1/8050 ≈ 0.00012422

Therefore, the probability is approximately 0.00012422 or 0.012422%.

So, it seems you made a calculation error. The correct probability is approximately 0.00012422 or 0.012422% chance.

To check your math, let's calculate the probability step by step:

1. Multiply the probabilities of the three events: 1/161 * 10/100 * 20/100 = 200/1610000 ≈ 0.00012422.

2. To express this as a percentage, multiply by 100: 0.00012422 * 100 ≈ 0.01242%.

So, the correct probability is approximately 0.01242%, not 0.012%. Based on your calculation, you were close, but there was a slight rounding error.