In "Why, You Reckon?" what argument does the other man use to convince the narrator to team up with him? What lesson do you think the narrator learned by the end of the evening?

I have part of the answer but I don't now how to put it in ACE format.

epic gamer response tbh, also cheating is good, why put effort into smth u will never use again

The reason for this person asking the question is so that they can understand how to word and explain the answer, not necessarily cheating. Think about why they need this answer realistically. :/

Yeah, More like hitchcocktwat.

To answer this question using the ACE format, you can follow these steps:

1. A nswer the question: The other man convinces the narrator to team up with him by using an argument based on self-interest and survival. He appeals to the narrator's common sense and tries to convince him that they are both in a risky situation and would be better off working together to face the challenges ahead.

2. C ite evidence from the text: In "Why, You Reckon?" by Langston Hughes, the other man says, "You an' me, both of us, without enough money to sleep in the Y or eat in a decent restaurant, walkin' the streets, freezin' and starvin'...Collaboration, partner, is the wisest course."

3. E xplain how the evidence supports your answer and the wider context: The other man's argument is based on the shared hardship and vulnerability that he and the narrator experience. He emphasizes the common struggle they both face in terms of inadequate resources and homelessness, suggesting that their best chance of survival is by joining forces. The narrator realizes that working together is a pragmatic choice, as it increases their chances of finding food, shelter, and security in their challenging circumstances.

Overall, the argument presented by the other man underscores the importance of collaboration and unity in the face of adversity. By teaming up, the narrator learns the value of mutual support and the strength that can be gained from forming alliances in difficult times.

Ask your teacher. Why are you cheating online at a virtual school?