Insert parenthesis in each expression to make a true equation.

A) 5-2*6-4+2=5

B) 22-32-5*3-6=30
I really need help I have been doing this homework for about 2 hours and me and my mom never found where to put parenthesis

Ok and these are my attempts no success help: (5-2)*(6-(4+2)= 11

To solve this type of problem, you need to use the order of operations, which is also known as the "PEMDAS" rule. This rule states that you should perform operations inside parentheses first, then evaluate exponents, then perform multiplication and division from left to right, and finally perform addition and subtraction from left to right.

Let's apply the order of operations to each expression:

A) 5-2*6-4+2=5

To determine where to insert the parentheses, we need to figure out which operations to prioritize. In this case, we focus on multiplication first.

Option 1: 5-(2*6)-4+2=5
In this option, we prioritize the multiplication by placing parentheses around the expression 2*6.

Option 2: (5-2)*(6-4+2)=5
In this option, we prioritize the subtraction inside parentheses by placing parentheses around the expression 5-2.

Now let's evaluate both options:

Option 1: 5-(2*6)-4+2=5
First, we perform the multiplication inside the parentheses: 5-(12)-4+2=5
Next, we evaluate the subtraction from left to right: 5-12-4+2=-9
Finally, we perform the remaining addition and subtraction from left to right: -9-4+2=-11

Option 2: (5-2)*(6-4+2)=5
First, we perform the addition inside the parentheses: (5-2)*(6-4+2)=5
Next, we evaluate the subtraction from left to right: (5-2)*(6-6)=5
Now, we perform the multiplication on the remaining numbers: (3)*(0)=0

Therefore, none of the options make the equation true.

Now let's move on to the second expression:

B) 22-32-5*3-6=30

Again, we use the order of operations and focus on multiplication first.

Option 1: (22-32-5)*(3-6)=30
In this option, we prioritize the subtraction inside parentheses by placing parentheses around the expression 22-32-5.

Option 2: 22-32-(5*3)-6=30
In this option, we prioritize the multiplication by placing parentheses around the expression 5*3.

Now let's evaluate both options:

Option 1: (22-32-5)*(3-6)=30
First, we perform the subtraction inside the parentheses: (-10-5)*(-3)=30
Next, we evaluate the subtraction from left to right: (-15)*(-3)=45
Finally, we perform the multiplication: 45=45

Option 2: 22-32-(5*3)-6=30
First, we perform the multiplication inside the parentheses: 22-32-(15)-6=30
Next, we evaluate the subtraction from left to right: 22-32-15-6=-31
Finally, we perform the remaining subtraction from left to right: -31-15-6=-52

Therefore, the correct option is Option 1: (22-32-5)*(3-6)=30.