Subsistence patterns define a societies division in labor. Look at these two groups, Ju�Œhoansi (Dobe), Kalahari Desert, a foraging group & Zuni�fs, American Southwest, a horticultural group. Compare and contrast the two groups regarding their subsistence patterns and divisions of labor

What does your book say about these two groups?

My book is confusing me. Can you please answer the question for me Ms. Sue please

To compare and contrast the subsistence patterns and divisions of labor between the Ju/'hoansi of the Kalahari Desert and the Zuni of the American Southwest, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Foraging and Horticulture:
- First, gather information about foraging and horticultural subsistence patterns. Understand the basic characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each method.

2. Study the Ju/'hoansi:
- Look for reliable sources on the Ju/'hoansi, a foraging group from the Kalahari Desert. Learn about their traditional lifestyle, including their primary food sources, hunting and gathering techniques, and how they adapt to their environment.

3. Research the Zuni:
- Find credible sources about the Zuni, a horticultural group from the American Southwest. Examine their agricultural practices, the crops they cultivate, and how their subsistence strategy impacts their daily life.

4. Compare Subsistence Patterns:
- Analyze the differences and similarities between foraging and horticulture. Consider factors such as mobility, dependence on the environment, level of food security, complexity of resource management, and impact on social structures.

5. Compare Divisions of Labor:
- Explore how the two groups divide labor within their societies. Look at gender roles, specialization of tasks, responsibilities within the community, and the impact of subsistence patterns on gender equality, economic systems, and social hierarchies.

6. Make a Comparative Analysis:
- Use the information gathered to create a comparative analysis of the Ju/'hoansi and the Zuni in terms of subsistence patterns and divisions of labor. Identify key similarities and differences and highlight their importance in shaping each society.

Remember, this question requires a deep understanding of anthropological concepts and research. By following these steps, you can inform yourself about the topic and generate a well-rounded comparison.