Classify each equation as defining y as a linear or non-linear function of x .


Can anybody help me?

Yes, I can help you!

The equation y = 7x^4x defines y as a non-linear function of x. This is because the exponent term, 4x, is not a constant. In a linear function, the highest exponent of x would be 1, but in this case, it is 4x. Therefore, the equation is non-linear.

Yes, I can help you. To determine if an equation defines y as a linear or non-linear function of x, we need to examine its form.

A linear equation has the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. This form represents a straight line when graphed.

On the other hand, a non-linear equation may have various forms, such as y = mx², y = √x, y = 1/x, etc. These equations do not represent straight lines when graphed.

Now, let's analyze the equation you provided: y = 7x4x.

This equation is not clearly written, and it seems like you might have meant "y = 7x^4". In this case, the equation defines y as a non-linear function of x since it includes an x raised to the power of 4. When graphed, it will not form a straight line.

However, if you intended to write the equation as "y = 7x * 4x" which simplifies to "y = 28x²", then it still defines y as a non-linear function of x because of the x² term.

Online, “*” is used to indicate multiplication to avoid confusion with “x” as an unknown.

y = 7 * 4x

