Queen Elizabeth I - 1558 - 1603

Did she support or contradict the principle of tolerating other ideas or cultures? Explain why.

3 examples please

This is the only question I couldn't find answers to in my textbook. I have to write an essay and include my answer to this in it.Please Help!!

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Queen Elizabeth I's reign from 1558-1603 was a crucial period in English history, often referred to as the Elizabethan era. When discussing whether she supported or contradicted the principle of tolerating other ideas or cultures, it is important to consider the historical context and her actions as Queen. Although the concept of religious tolerance as we understand it today was not fully embraced during this time, there were instances where Queen Elizabeth I displayed a degree of tolerance.

Example 1: The Act of Supremacy and the Elizabethan Religious Settlement
One example of Queen Elizabeth I's support for toleration can be seen in her introduction of the Act of Supremacy in 1559, which declared her as the "Supreme Governor" of the Church of England. This allowed for a reestablishment of Protestantism as the official religion while still providing some freedom for Catholics. Although Catholics faced certain restrictions, she did not completely eradicate Catholicism and was willing to show leniency towards those who did not openly challenge her authority.

Example 2: The Treatment of Jews
During Queen Elizabeth I's reign, Jews were technically still banned from residing in England. However, she granted a limited degree of tolerance to Jewish merchants, permitting them to live and conduct business in the country for short periods. This demonstrated her willingness to recognize and accommodate individuals from different cultures, even if they were not fully accepted at the time.

Example 3: The Exploration and Trade with Other Countries
Queen Elizabeth I was known for her support of exploration and trade, which brought her into contact with various cultures. She encouraged maritime ventures, such as Sir Francis Drake's voyages, which resulted in expeditions to new lands and opportunities for trade. This engagement with other cultures highlights a level of acceptance and openness to ideas and customs beyond the English borders.

However, it is important to note that Queen Elizabeth I was also known for her strict control over dissenting political and religious ideas, particularly through her enforcement of state-sanctioned Protestantism. She believed in maintaining stability and unity, which occasionally resulted in intolerance towards those who opposed her rule or deviated significantly from her religious settlement. It is crucial to analyze both sides of the debate when assessing whether she supported or contradicted the principle of tolerating other ideas or cultures.

In your essay, you can discuss these examples and explore other relevant historical evidence to present a well-rounded argument. Remember to support your points with specific examples, primary sources, or secondary literature to strengthen your analysis and provide a comprehensive answer.