The container is coated with 2 layers of specialty paint that costs $6.05 per jar. Each jar of paint covers 800cm^2. How much does the paint cost?

How big is the container? Is it coated on only the outside or is it also coated on the inside?

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To calculate the cost of the paint, we need to find out the total area that needs to be covered and then divide it by the coverage of each jar of paint. Here's how we can do that:

1. Determine the area of the container: Since the container has two layers of specialty paint, we'll assume both the inside and outside need to be coated. Let's say the container has a surface area of A cm².

2. Calculate the total area to be covered: Since there are two layers, the total area to be covered will be twice the surface area of the container, which would be 2 * A cm².

3. Calculate the number of jars required: Divide the total area by the coverage of each jar, which is 800 cm². So, the number of jars required would be (2 * A) / 800.

4. Calculate the cost of the paint: Multiply the number of jars required by the cost per jar, which is $6.05. So, the cost of the paint would be ((2 * A) / 800) * $6.05.

By following these steps, you can calculate the cost of the paint based on the area of the container.