
The speed of sound depends on (1 point)

A.the loudness of the sound.
B.the pitch of the sound.
C.the source of the sound.***
D.the properties of the medium it travels through

That's not correct.

then what would it be?

Answers D, D because the properties of the medium a sound wave travels through is basically everything that has to do with sound.

Pick a better answer next time jeje

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand what factors affect the speed of sound. The speed of sound refers to how fast sound waves travel through a medium.

To get the answer, we can eliminate the options that are not correct.

Option A states that the speed of sound depends on the loudness of the sound. However, the loudness of a sound refers to its volume or intensity, not its speed. So, we can eliminate option A.

Option B states that the speed of sound depends on the pitch of the sound. The pitch of a sound refers to how high or low the sound is perceived. While the pitch of a sound is related to its frequency, it does not directly affect the speed of sound. Therefore, we can eliminate option B.

Option C states that the speed of sound depends on the source of the sound. This option is incorrect because the source of the sound refers to where the sound originated, not its speed. So, we can eliminate option C.

Option D states that the speed of sound depends on the properties of the medium it travels through. This option is correct. The speed of sound indeed depends on factors like the density, temperature, and stiffness of the medium through which it travels. So, option D is the correct answer.

In conclusion, the correct answer to the question is D. The speed of sound depends on the properties of the medium it travels through.

Why not try the question another time? Look at each of the options carefully.