Which of the following documents influenced the American colonists to feel that their rights were not being protected?

Declaration of Independence

U.S. Constitution

English Bill of Rights***

Mayflower Compact

Oh English bill of rights is correct.

Good job jeje

I'm, not sure what was it?

which one is correct the one with these things ***


its wrong

The document that influenced the American colonists to feel that their rights were not being protected is the English Bill of Rights. To understand why, let's briefly examine all the options.

1. Declaration of Independence: While the Declaration of Independence is significant in explaining the reasons for the American colonists' desire for independence from Great Britain, it does not directly address their concerns about the protection of their rights.

2. U.S. Constitution: The U.S. Constitution, on the other hand, was drafted and adopted after the American Revolution to establish the structure and powers of the new federal government. It includes a Bill of Rights as its first ten amendments, which guarantees certain individual rights and liberties. Therefore, the U.S. Constitution was meant to protect the colonists' rights rather than making them feel their rights were not protected.

3. Mayflower Compact: The Mayflower Compact is an agreement made by the Pilgrims that outlined how they would govern themselves in the New World. While it represented an early form of self-governance, it does not directly deal with the protection of individual rights.

4. English Bill of Rights: The English Bill of Rights, enacted in 1689, significantly influenced the American colonists' perception of their rights being violated. It was a crucial document that outlined a list of individual rights, including freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, the right to a fair trial, and the right to petition the government. The colonists felt that their rights as English subjects were not being upheld by the British government, which contributed to their growing discontent and desire for greater self-government.

Therefore, from the given options, the English Bill of Rights influenced the American colonists the most in feeling that their rights were not being protected.

ok ma'am