The base edge of a square pyramid is 30 cm. The pyramid is 6 cm tall. Find the volume of the pyramid.

To find the volume of a pyramid, you need to use the formula: Volume = (1/3) * Base Area * Height.

In this case, since the base of the pyramid is a square, the base area can be calculated by multiplying the length of one side by itself (since all sides of a square are equal).

Step 1: Calculate the base area
The base edge of the square pyramid is given as 30 cm. Since it is a square, all sides are equal, so the length of one side is also 30 cm.
Base Area = (30 cm) * (30 cm) = 900 cm^2

Step 2: Calculate the volume
The height of the pyramid is given as 6 cm.
Volume = (1/3) * Base Area * Height
Volume = (1/3) * 900 cm^2 * 6 cm
Volume = 1800 cm^3

Therefore, the volume of the pyramid is 1800 cubic centimeters (cm^3).

V= lwh/3 = (base^2h)/3

Insert values and solve.

