A family has an annual income of 28800. Of this 1/4 is spent for food, 1/5 for housing, 1/10 for clothing, 1/9 for savings, 1/4 for taxes, and the rest for other expenses. How much is spent for housing?

(1/5) * 28,800 = ?


To find the amount spent on housing, we need to calculate 1/5 of the annual income.

Given that the annual income is $28,800:
Housing spending = (1/5) × $28,800

To simplify the calculation, we can divide $28,800 by 5:
Housing spending = $28,800 ÷ 5

Housing spending = $5760

Therefore, $5,760 is spent on housing.

To find out how much is spent for housing, we need to calculate 1/5 of the annual income of the family.

Step 1: Calculate the fraction of the income that is spent on housing.
1/5 of the annual income = (1/5) * 28800

Step 2: Simplify the fraction.
(1/5) * 28800 = 5760

Therefore, the family spends 5760 for housing annually.