In the case The Senate Of Tennessee V. John Thomas Scopes, high school biology teacher John Scopes was accused of teaching content that violated a Tennessee law that stopped public school teachers from teaching evolution. Scopes voted this law , but felt his right to free speech protected him.

What variety of law could use Scopes in is defense?

Constitutional l Law***
Civil Law
Criminal Law
Military Law

You are right.

In the case The Senate Of Tennessee V. John Thomas Scopes, where high school biology teacher John Scopes was accused of teaching content that violated a Tennessee law prohibiting the teaching of evolution, he argued that his right to free speech protected him. The variety of law that could be used in Scopes' defense is Constitutional Law.

To understand this, let's break it down:

Constitutional Law is the branch of law that deals with the interpretation and application of a country's constitution. In the United States, the Constitution protects various rights, including the freedom of speech. Scopes argued that the Tennessee law prohibiting the teaching of evolution violated his right to free speech, as he believed he had the freedom to teach scientific theories such as evolution.

To use Constitutional Law in his defense, Scopes would need to argue that the Tennessee law infringes upon his constitutional rights and that it should be deemed unconstitutional. This would involve examining and interpreting the relevant provisions of the United States Constitution, such as the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech.

By making a Constitutional Law argument, Scopes aimed to have the court declare the Tennessee law invalid due to its conflict with constitutionally protected rights.

In summary, the variety of law that could be utilized in Scopes' defense is Constitutional Law, as he sought protection under the right to free speech as guaranteed by the United States Constitution.