the average annual rainfall for a town is 43.2 inches. I know the monthly rainfall has to be 3.6 inches. the difference of a given month's rainfall from the average monthly rainfall is called the deviation. what is the deviation for each month shown? may 2 3/5 inches, june 7/8 inches, and july 4 1/4 inches. I'm not sure but I subtracted each month from the monthly rainfall. is that correct. then another part to this question is: the average monthly rainfall for the previous 9 months was 4 inches. did the town exceed its average annual rainfall, if so by how much? I'm don't know how to figure this question out

3.6 inches

I don't know that's why I asked

This did not help whatsoever. By the by, it sort of helped with the first part.😑😑😑😑

To calculate the deviation for each month's rainfall, you need to subtract the average monthly rainfall from the actual rainfall for that specific month.

For May:
Monthly rainfall = 2 3/5 inches = 13/5 inches
Deviation = Monthly rainfall - Average monthly rainfall
= (13/5) - 3.6
= 2.6 - 3.6
= -1 inch (negative deviation indicates below average)

For June:
Monthly rainfall = 7/8 inches
Deviation = Monthly rainfall - Average monthly rainfall
= (7/8) - 3.6
= 0.875 - 3.6
= -2.725 inches

For July:
Monthly rainfall = 4 1/4 inches = 17/4 inches
Deviation = Monthly rainfall - Average monthly rainfall
= (17/4) - 3.6
= 4.25 - 3.6
= 0.65 inches

To determine if the town exceeded its average annual rainfall, you need to multiply the average monthly rainfall (4 inches) by the number of months in a year. Since you mentioned that the town experienced three months (May, June, and July), you can calculate the annual rainfall:

Annual rainfall = Average monthly rainfall * Number of months
= 4 * 3
= 12 inches

Given that the average annual rainfall for the town is 43.2 inches, it did exceed its average annual rainfall. To find by how much, you subtract the average annual rainfall from the actual annual rainfall:

Excess rainfall = Actual annual rainfall - Average annual rainfall
= 43.2 - 12
= 31.2 inches

Therefore, the town exceeded its average annual rainfall by 31.2 inches.

everything appears ok down to the last part.

4"/mo for 9 months is 36". Since the average annual amount is 43.2", those 9 months did not exceed the annual average.

This is to be expected, since the monthly amount was only a little bit more than the usual monthly average.