In Mrs. Smith's Kindergarten there are 20 students. The number of girls is 4 less than the number of boys. How many girls and how many boys are there

b + b - 4 = 20

2b = 24

b = 12

20-4=16 boys

let the number of boys be x

by question
number of girl= 4 less than the number of boys i.e. x-4
total number of students=20
2x = 24
x = 12
So,The number girls and boys are 8 and 12 respectively.


To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's represent the number of boys as 'B' and the number of girls as 'G'.

According to the problem, the number of girls is 4 less than the number of boys. So, we can write this as:

G = B - 4

We also know that there are a total of 20 students, so the sum of boys and girls is 20. We can write this as:

B + G = 20

Now, we have a system of two equations:

G = B - 4 (Equation 1)
B + G = 20 (Equation 2)

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of 'B' and 'G'.

First, let's substitute the value of G from Equation 1 into Equation 2:

B + (B - 4) = 20

Simplifying the equation:

2B - 4 = 20

Adding 4 to both sides:

2B = 24

Dividing by 2:

B = 12

Now that we have the value of B, we can substitute it back into Equation 1 to find G:

G = 12 - 4

G = 8

Therefore, there are 12 boys and 8 girls in Mrs. Smith's Kindergarten.