The scale of the map is missing.The actual distance from Liberty to West Quall is 72 miles,and it is 6 inches on the map.

(A)What is the scale of the map?
(B)Foston is between Liberty and West Quall and is 4 inches from Liberty on the map.How far is Foston from West Quall?

clearly, it is

Now you just have to figure out how many inches in 72 miles and rewrite the scale in just inches.

(B) 2 inches on the map.
1/3 as far on the map, 1/3 as far in real life: 24 miles.

A) 12 miles per inch

B) 36 miles from west quail, 48 from liberty

:) let me think... the scale is 12 because 72 divided by 6 = 12 is the answer

a)it is 6:72 so how many inches are in 72. do 72 divided by 6.

b) foston is 4 inches away from liberty, and since liberty is 6 inches away from west quall, you simply subtract 6 by 4 and get 2

I think A is 12 because you would do 72 divided by 6 which would give you 12:) but i am not sure about B


Lol idk😬😂😃

I think the answer is 12 because I did 12+12+12+12+12+12=72 or u could say 12×6=72 and everything that I put is 12 so that's my answer.


9 miles × 2/1 inch × 2
18 miles
2 inches

i think that it is 1\3 of the map

this is some good answers and word promblem