If a 10K race is 10.0 kilometers (1.00 × 10^4 meters), what is the distance in yards?

(Given: 1 meter = 1.09 yards)

I believe the answer is 1,090!

Use the conversion factor.

10,000 m x (1.09 yds/1 m) = ?

To find the distance in yards, you can use the conversion factor that 1 meter is equal to 1.09 yards. We can set up a proportion to solve for the distance in yards.

Let's set up the proportion:

1 meter / 1.09 yards = 10.0 kilometers / x yards

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 meter * x yards = 1.09 yards * 10.0 kilometers

Simplifying the equation:

x yards = (1.09 yards * 10.0 kilometers) / 1 meter

Now, let's substitute the given values into the equation:

x yards = (1.09 yards * 10.0 kilometers) / (1.00 × 10^4 meters)

Simplifying further:

x yards = (1.09 yards * 10.0) / (1.00 × 10^4)

x yards = 10.9 / (1.00 × 10^4)

Using scientific notation, we can rewrite 1.00 × 10^4 as 10^4:

x yards = 10.9 / 10^4

Now, evaluate the expression:

x yards = 0.00109 yards

Therefore, the distance of a 10K race in yards is approximately 0.00109 yards.