Julie, Samantha and Dave ate 5416 crackers last year. Julie ate 1615 crackers. Samantha ate 6 times as many as dave. How many crackers did Samantha eat?

J + S + D = 5416

J = 1615

S = 6 D
1615 + 6 D + D = 5416

7 D = 3801

D = 543
S = 6 D = 3258

To find out how many crackers Samantha ate, we need to first determine the number of crackers Dave ate.

Given that Julie ate 1615 crackers, let's subtract that from the total number of crackers consumed last year:

Total number of crackers - Julie's crackers = Dave + Samantha's crackers
5416 crackers - 1615 crackers = Dave + Samantha's crackers

Now, we know that Samantha ate 6 times as many crackers as Dave. Let's represent the number of crackers Dave ate as "x." Therefore, Samantha ate 6*x crackers.

Substituting this into our equation:
5416 - 1615 = x + 6*x

Simplifying the equation:
3801 = 7*x

Now, let's solve for "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 7:
3801/7 = x

The result is approximately 543. So, Dave ate approximately 543 crackers.

To find out how many crackers Samantha ate, we can multiply the number of crackers Dave ate by 6:
6 * 543 = 3258

So, Samantha ate approximately 3258 crackers.