I need to know how much of a 2g sample of Technetium-99 would be left after 12 hours.

The half life of Technetium-99 is 6 hours

So half of it will be gone in 6 hours.

Another half of it will be gone in 12 hours. You started with 2g.
At the end of 6 hrs there will be 1 g.
At the end of 12 hours there will be 1/2 g left? right?

To find out how much of a 2g sample of Technetium-99 would be left after 12 hours, we can use the concept of half-life.

The half-life of Technetium-99 is given as 6 hours. This means that after every 6 hours, half of the sample will decay.

To calculate the amount left after 12 hours, we need to determine the number of half-lives that have occurred in that time. Since the half-life is 6 hours, there will be 2 half-lives in 12 hours (12 ÷ 6 = 2).

To calculate how much is left after each half-life, we can use the following formula:

Amount left = Initial amount × (1/2)^(number of half-lives)

In this case, the initial amount is 2g, and there are 2 half-lives. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Amount left = 2g × (1/2)^(2)

Calculating this expression:

Amount left = 2g × (1/4)


Amount left = 2g/4

Amount left = 0.5g

Therefore, after 12 hours, there would be 0.5g of Technetium-99 left from the initial 2g sample.