One way the modern atomic model differs from Thomson’s atomic model is that electrons are no longer scattered throughout an atom’s positive matter like chocolate chips in cookie dough. Instead, each electron is outside of the nucleus occupying a specific...

If new info about the behavior of atoms is discovered and verified the revisions will need to be made to the current...
name # of protons # of neutrons
Carbon12 6 6
carbon 13 6 7
carbon 14 6 8
what should Lisa title the table?
a-carbon bond types
b-carbon isotopes
c-carbon cycle
d-chemical reactions
i think that it is b but idk.
plz plz plz help!
Plz help me ASAP! if i don't get 100 i will get grounded!

when it has ... then name # those are two different questions. Names= carbon 12

carbon13 and carbon 14 protons 6 6 and 6 neutrons 6 7 and8

To answer the first question, the modern atomic model differs from Thomson's atomic model in that electrons are no longer scattered throughout an atom's positive matter, but instead, each electron is outside of the nucleus occupying a specific energy level or orbital.

Now, let's move on to the second question about the table title. The table provided lists different carbon isotopes, which are atoms of carbon with a different number of neutrons. "Carbon isotopes" would be the appropriate title for this table as it clearly represents the different isotopes of carbon.

So, your answer is correct. The correct option is b - "carbon isotopes."

I hope this helps! Good luck with your assignment, and I hope you don't get grounded!