will i be able to do nursing at ukzn with those subjects

I don't know. Ask your school counselor for help.

What are your grades in those classes? If they're high, then you have more choices.

What do you want to do?

Try these interest inventories to help you focus on your interests.




(Thanks to Ms. Sue for these links.)

To determine if you are eligible to pursue nursing at UKZN (University of KwaZulu-Natal), you will need to meet the admission requirements set by the university. These requirements may vary, so it is advisable to consult the official UKZN website or contact their admissions office for the most accurate and up-to-date information. However, typically, nursing programs in South Africa require a combination of specific subjects.

Here is a general guide on the subjects often required for nursing programs:

1. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy: Many nursing programs require either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy as a minimum requirement.

2. Physical Sciences or Life Sciences: Nursing programs may require either Physical Sciences or Life Sciences (Biology) or even both.

3. English: An English subject is typically required for most university programs.

4. Additional Subjects: Some nursing programs may have additional subject requirements, such as a second language or specific subjects related to health sciences.

Again, it is essential to verify the specific admission requirements for the nursing program at UKZN. You can find this information on their official website or by contacting their admissions office directly.

To determine if you can do nursing at UKZN (University of KwaZulu-Natal) with your subjects, you would need to check the specific admission requirements of the nursing program at the university.

Here's how you can find this information:

1. Visit the UKZN website: Start by visiting the official website of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

2. Navigate to the Nursing program: Search for the Faculty of Health Sciences or the School of Nursing on the website. You can usually find this information under the "Academic" or "Programs" section.

3. Check admission requirements: Look for the admission requirements for the nursing program. They might be listed on the program's page, or you may have to download a program-specific brochure or prospectus.

4. Review subject requirements: Look for the required subjects or subjects preferred for admission into the nursing program. These subjects could include Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science, or others. Make sure to note down any specific subject requirements.

5. Compare your subjects: Compare the subjects you have taken with the requirements specified by UKZN. If your subjects align with the requirements, then you should meet the minimum subject criteria. However, note that meeting the subject requirements is just one aspect of the admission process, and there may be additional criteria involved.

If you are unable to find the specific information you need on the website, it's advisable to contact the admissions office of the university directly for clarification. They will be able to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding the nursing program's subject requirements at UKZN.