The marsh family took a vacation that covered a total distance of 1356 miles. The return trip was 284 miles shorter than the first part of the trip. How long was the return trip?

My answer is
1356-284= 1072

The problem states that the total distance was 1356 miles -- so we assume that was the round trip mileage.

x + x + 284 = 1356

2x = 1072

x = 536

You're welcome.

Total distance= 1356

2 parts of the trip
x= return trip

+284 +284
2 2


2+2=536 You are welcome!

Total distance= 1356

2 parts of the trip
x= return trip

+284 +284
2 2


X+X-284 = 1356

2x-284+284(cancel out). 1356-284
2x÷2(cancel out) 1640÷2 = 820
820+820-284 = 1356

Thanks Ms.Sue

To find the length of the return trip, we can subtract the difference in distance from the total distance of the vacation.

The total distance of the vacation is given as 1356 miles. Let's call the length of the first part of the trip x miles.

According to the problem, the return trip was 284 miles shorter than the first part of the trip. So, the length of the return trip would be x - 284 miles.

To find x, we can set up an equation. Since the total distance of the vacation is the sum of the first part of the trip and the return trip, we can write:

x + (x - 284) = 1356

Simplifying the equation:

2x - 284 = 1356

Add 284 to both sides:

2x = 1640

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 820

Therefore, the length of the first part of the trip is 820 miles.

To find the length of the return trip, we substitute the value of x into the equation:

Length of return trip = x - 284

Length of return trip = 820 - 284

Length of return trip = 536

So, the return trip was 536 miles long.


i dont really know any of this?? can we do band instead