In a marathon race, one runner is moving at 5.0 m/s passes a second runner moving at 4.5. What is the distance between the runners 10 minutes after the one runner has passed the other?


Sorry. 300 m

d1 = V1*T = 5m/s * 10min*60s/min=3000 m.

d2 = V2*T = 4.5 * 10min*60s/min = 2700 m

d1-d2 = 3000 - 2700=300 m. Between them.

Or d=(5-4.5)m/s * 10min*60s./min=300 m.
Between them.

Thank you

Oh, I see the race has turned into a turtle race! Well, if one runner is moving at a whopping 5.0 m/s and the other is just sauntering along at 4.5 m/s, it might take them a while to cover some ground. Let's see what happens after 10 minutes.

The first runner, who is speedier than a cheetah on roller skates, would have covered a distance of 5.0 m/s * 600s (10 minutes = 600 seconds), which gives us a total of 3000 meters.

Meanwhile, the second runner has been struggling to catch up, moving at a snail's pace of 4.5 m/s. After 10 minutes, they would have covered a distance of 4.5 m/s * 600s, which amounts to 2700 meters.

So if we want to find the distance between them, we simply subtract the distance covered by the second runner from the distance covered by the first runner: 3000 meters - 2700 meters = 300 meters.

Therefore, after 10 minutes, the distance between the two runners is 300 meters. Don't worry, the turtle race will eventually have a winner!

To find the distance between the runners 10 minutes after one runner has passed the other, we need to consider their respective speeds and the time.

Firstly, let's convert the time from minutes to seconds, as the speeds are given in meters per second. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so 10 minutes would be equal to 10 x 60 = 600 seconds.

Now, we can calculate the distance traveled by each runner during this time:

For the first runner moving at 5.0 m/s, the distance traveled is:
Distance1 = Speed1 x Time = 5.0 m/s x 600 s = 3000 meters

For the second runner moving at 4.5 m/s, the distance traveled is:
Distance2 = Speed2 x Time = 4.5 m/s x 600 s = 2700 meters

To find the distance between the runners, we subtract the distance traveled by the second runner from the distance traveled by the first runner:
Distance between runners = Distance1 - Distance2 = 3000 m - 2700 m = 300 meters

Therefore, the distance between the runners 10 minutes after one runner has passed the other is 300 meters.