Which of the following legal publications is NOT typically updated with pocket parts?

A) Legal encyclopedias
B) Legal dictionaries
C) Digests
D) Treatises

I believe it's D. But then again I thought it maybe C.

I'd go with treatises.


To determine which of the options is NOT typically updated with pocket parts, let's go through each option and understand what pocket parts are.

Pocket parts are supplemental updates that are commonly inserted into the back pocket of a legal publication. They contain new or updated information and are used to keep legal sources current.

A) Legal encyclopedias: Legal encyclopedias are comprehensive reference sources that provide overviews of legal topics. They are frequently updated with pocket parts to include new cases, statutes, and other relevant information.

B) Legal dictionaries: Legal dictionaries are reference resources that provide definitions and explanations of legal terms. Since their purpose is to define terms rather than provide up-to-date legal information, they are typically not updated with pocket parts.

C) Digests: Digests are comprehensive collections of summaries of court cases organized by the legal issue they address. Digests are regularly updated with pocket parts as new cases are decided and as changes in the law occur.

D) Treatises: Treatises are in-depth legal publications that explore specific areas of law. They offer detailed analysis and interpretation of legal topics. Treatises may be periodically updated, but they are not typically updated with pocket parts. Instead, new editions of treatises are released to incorporate significant changes in the law.

Based on this explanation, the option that is NOT typically updated with pocket parts is B) Legal dictionaries. Therefore, your initial inclination was correct - the answer is B.