Do you know some site where can I look for Science And Technology Engineering Mathematics books?

Try these:

Yes, there are several websites where you can look for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) books. Here are a few popular options:

1. Amazon ( It is one of the largest online marketplaces where you can find an extensive collection of STEM books. Simply go to the Books department and use the search bar to look for specific STEM subjects or authors.

2. Barnes & Noble ( This online bookstore specializes in a wide range of books, including those related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. You can browse through their categories or use the search function to find relevant books.

3. Book Depository ( This website offers a vast selection of books with free worldwide shipping. You can explore their categories or use the search feature to find STEM books.

4. Project Gutenberg ( Project Gutenberg is a digital library that offers over 60,000 free eBooks, including a significant collection of STEM-related books. You can search for specific titles or browse through their science and mathematics categories.

5. OpenStax ( OpenStax is a nonprofit organization that provides free, peer-reviewed textbooks for various subjects, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Their books can be downloaded as PDFs or accessed online.

6. MIT OpenCourseWare ( MIT OpenCourseWare offers free online course materials, including lecture notes, assignments, and textbooks for various scientific and engineering disciplines. You can access their course materials and download the relevant textbooks.

Remember to utilize the search features of these websites to find specific titles, authors, or subjects. Additionally, check if there are any filters or categories specific to STEM books that can help narrow down your search.