Jessica is 4 years younger than Jennifer now. In 10 years, Jessica will be twice the age that Jennifer is now. Find the present ages of Jennifer and Jessica




To find the present ages of Jennifer and Jessica, we can approach the problem using algebra. Let's assign variables to the unknowns to make it easier.

Let's say Jennifer's current age is J, and Jessica's current age is J - 4 (since she is 4 years younger).

Now, according to the problem, in 10 years, Jessica will be twice the age that Jennifer is now. So, Jessica's age in 10 years would be J - 4 + 10, which can be simplified as J + 6. And Jennifer's age now is J.

Therefore, we can set up the equation: J + 6 = 2J.

Now we solve for J:

J + 6 = 2J
Subtract J from both sides:
6 = J

So, Jennifer's current age is 6.

Since Jessica is 4 years younger, her current age would be 6 - 4 = 2.

Hence, Jennifer is currently 6 years old, and Jessica is currently 2 years old.

Let's assume Jennifer's age as x years.

According to the given information, Jessica is 4 years younger than Jennifer.
So, Jessica's age will be x - 4 years.
In 10 years, Jessica's age will be (x - 4) + 10 = x + 6 years.
According to the given information, Jessica will be twice the age that Jennifer is now.
So, (x - 4) + 10 = 2x.
Simplifying the equation, we get x - 4 + 10 = 2x.
Combining like terms, we get x + 6 = 2x.
Subtracting x from both sides, we get 6 = x.
Therefore, Jennifer's present age is 6 years.
Substituting the value of x into the equation x - 4, we get 6 - 4 = 2.
Therefore, Jessica's present age is 2 years.
Hence, Jennifer is 6 years old and Jessica is 2 years old.