weight of a person in newton on mars who weigh 882N on earth ( g = 9.8m/s^2). weight of person on earth who weighs 333N on mars.

1. 38Lbs/95Lbs * 882N. = 352.8 N. on Mars.

2. 95Lbs/38Lbs * 333N = 832.5 N. on Earth.

To calculate the weight of a person on Mars, we can use the formula:

Weight on Mars = Weight on Earth * (Gravity on Mars / Gravity on Earth)

To calculate the weight of a person on Earth, we can use the formula:

Weight on Earth = Mass * Gravity on Earth

Let's start by finding the weight of a person on Mars who weighs 882N on Earth.

Step 1: Calculate the weight of the person on Earth.

Weight on Earth = 882N

Step 2: Calculate the weight of the person on Mars.

Gravity on Mars = 3.71m/s^2 (roughly)

Weight on Mars = Weight on Earth * (Gravity on Mars / Gravity on Earth)

Weight on Mars = 882N * (3.71m/s^2 / 9.8m/s^2)

Weight on Mars ≈ 335.714N

Therefore, the weight of a person who weighs 882N on Earth would be approximately 335.714N on Mars.

Now let's find the weight of a person on Earth who weighs 333N on Mars.

Given Weight on Mars = 333N

Step 1: Calculate the Gravity on Mars.

Weight on Mars = Mass * Gravity on Mars

333N = Mass * 3.71m/s^2

Step 2: Calculate the weight of the person on Earth.

Weight on Earth = Mass * Gravity on Earth

Weight on Earth = (333N / 3.71m/s^2) * 9.8m/s^2

Weight on Earth ≈ 880.11N

Therefore, the weight of a person who weighs 333N on Mars would be approximately 880.11N on Earth.