How can I solve this question,

Write 83.9% as a decimal, and write 0.038 as a percentage.

I just can not remember how to do this.
Sorry and thank you for your help and time.

Divide 83.9 by 100

Multiply 0.038 by 100

To change a percent to a decimal, divide by 100. Or you can simply move the decimal point two places to the left.

83.9% = 0.839

To change a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100. Or move the decimal point two places to the right.

0.038 = 3.8%

Thank you so much. Sorry to bother you I know you are busy.

You are very welcome, Mary Ann. We're here to help students -- so you are no bother at all. :-)

i need all the answers or i will fail

also any Wings Of Fire fans out there

No problem! I'm here to help. Converting a percentage to a decimal is quite simple. To convert 83.9% to a decimal, you divide the percentage by 100.

Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Take the given percentage, which is 83.9%.
2. Divide it by 100.
83.9% ÷ 100 = 0.839
3. The result is the decimal form of 83.9%, which is 0.839.

So, 83.9% as a decimal is 0.839.

Now, let's convert 0.038 into a percentage.

To convert a decimal into a percentage, you multiply it by 100.

Here are the steps:

1. Take the given decimal, which is 0.038.
2. Multiply it by 100.
0.038 × 100 = 3.8
3. The result is the percentage form of 0.038, which is 3.8%.

Therefore, 0.038 as a percentage is 3.8%.

I hope this helps you understand how to convert between decimals and percentages!