Montesquieu's system of "separation of powers" means that

Government is divided into three branches***

People are born with rights that can not be taken away.

government may rule because the citizens consent

people have the right to life,liberty, and property.



You're welcome!

The correct answer is:

Government is divided into three branches.

To arrive at this answer, it helps to understand the basic concept of Montesquieu's system of "separation of powers." Montesquieu, a French philosopher, believed that a concentration of power in a single entity could lead to tyranny and abuse of authority. To prevent this, he proposed that the power of government should be divided into three separate branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

To find this answer, you can:

1. Recall prior knowledge: If you are familiar with Montesquieu's ideas, you may already know that separation of powers refers to the division of government into three branches. This is the fastest way to arrive at the correct answer.

2. Read the question carefully: Make sure to focus on the specific aspect being asked about. In this case, the question is asking about Montesquieu's system, so it's important to consider his specific ideas.

3. Research Montesquieu: If you're not familiar with Montesquieu or his ideas, you can conduct research on the topic. Searching for "Montesquieu separation of powers" will provide you with more information on his system and its core components.

By applying these strategies, you can successfully arrive at the correct answer.