I have a lot of homework each night and I don't get it at all one question was 0.5(12z-7)-3.5z+3.5

and I got it wrong just because I didn't do it and I didn't understand it.I got 7z as my anwser.What did I do wrong?Help PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this an equation?

What are you to do?
If you are to evaluate it, first clear the parentheses.
The two z terms add to 2.5z
The two numbers evaluate to zero.
If you had shown your work we could tell you where you went wrong.


6z - 3.5 - 3.5z + 3.5

6z - 3.5z = 2.5z

To solve the given equation, let's go step by step:

1. Start by using the distributive property to multiply 0.5 by (12z - 7):

0.5 * 12z = 6z
0.5 * -7 = -3.5

Therefore, the first part of the equation becomes: 6z - 3.5

2. Next, simplify the expression -3.5z:


3. Finally, combine all the simplified expressions:

(6z - 3.5) - 3.5z + 3.5

Now, let's determine your mistake. You mentioned that you got 7z as your answer, so let's check your work.

- You might have mistakenly simplified 0.5 * 12z as 7z instead of 6z. Remember that multiplying 0.5 by 12z gives you 6z, not 7z.

To solve the equation correctly, let's continue:

(6z - 3.5) - 3.5z + 3.5

Combining like terms, we have:

6z - 3.5z - 3.5 + 3.5

Simplifying further:

(6z - 3.5z) - 3.5 + 3.5

2.5z - 3.5 + 3.5


Therefore, the correct answer is 2.5z.

Remember to check your calculations carefully, especially when dealing with multiplication and distribution. Double-checking your work can help you catch any potential mistakes.