
nvm for this one

Log3(x^2+18) = 5

x^2 + 18 = 3^5
x^2 + 18 = 243
x^2 = 243 - 18 = 225
X = 15

To solve the equation 5=log3(x^2+18), we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Rewrite the equation using exponential form. The logarithmic equation 5=log3(x^2+18) can be written as 3^5 = x^2 + 18.

Step 2: Simplify the equation. 3^5 equals 243, so we have 243 = x^2 + 18.

Step 3: Move constant term to the other side. Subtracting 18 from both sides of the equation gives us x^2 = 243 - 18, which simplifies to x^2 = 225.

Step 4: Take the square root of both sides. The square root of x^2 is x, so we have x = √225.

Step 5: Simplify the square root of 225. The square root of 225 equals 15 or -15 since positive and negative values squared give the same result.

Therefore, the solutions to the equation 5=log3(x^2+18) are x = 15 and x = -15.