Essays, articles, and speeches are all works of nonfiction. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the authors of nonfiction?

A. They are always real people.

B. Their style is always full of figurative language.

C. They usually focus on retelling historical events.

D. Their tone is always objective.

Only real people write anything,

I wish some nonfiction used figurative language -- it would make them more readable.

What about science books?

Unfortunately, some books are biased and not always objective.

Actually, non-fiction is any kind of writing that seeks to document or otherwise explore the tangible world around us in a factual way. It can take many forms. An essay gives the writer's own thoughts on a topic. A biography tells of a real person's life. Books on science or math or space exploration or any other topic are usually classified as non-fiction. Speeches are not always non-fiction. One of the most famous "lecturers", Mark Twain, often read from his works of fiction, but speeches do often fall into the category of essays, giving the speaker's views on a topic.

To determine which of the statements is accurate about the authors of nonfiction, we need to evaluate each option.

A. They are always real people.
This statement is not accurate because while most authors of nonfiction are real people, there are cases where nonfiction may be written under a pen name or by someone using a pseudonym.

B. Their style is always full of figurative language.
This statement is not accurate either. While some nonfiction works may include figurative language to add depth or make a point, it is not a universal characteristic of all nonfiction writing. Many nonfiction works focus on presenting facts and information without relying heavily on figurative language.

C. They usually focus on retelling historical events.
This statement is also not accurate. While some nonfiction works focus on retelling historical events, nonfiction is a broad genre that encompasses a wide range of subjects and topics. Nonfiction can include essays, speeches, articles, biographies, memoirs, and more, covering various fields such as science, philosophy, politics, personal experiences, and social issues.

D. Their tone is always objective.
This statement is not accurate as well. While objectivity is a common approach in nonfiction writing, authors may adopt different tones depending on their purpose and topic. Some nonfiction works may have a subjective or biased tone, especially when the author is expressing personal opinions or advocating for a particular standpoint.

Based on this evaluation, none of the options provided (A, B, C, or D) accurately describe all nonfiction authors.