which of the following demographic characteristics distinguishes Europe's population from that of Asia?

World Geography

unit 8
lesson 1:

1. C

2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. B

Just completed the test, :)

Axel is correct.

U8 lesson 1 of World Geography for 9th

"Thank you" is 100% correct!

Are these your choices?

A.) More Europeans inhabit rural areas.
B.) The European population is much younger.
C.) Europeans are more concentration in urban areas.
D.) Europe has a larger population concentration than Asia.

wait is axel correct?

if this is the same pretest where the second question is

"what does it mean to say that "service sector" jobs are predominant in Europe's mixed economies today?"

i need answers cause my social studies is hard and im pretty darn sure my teacher hates me

Same but I don't think it is...

To determine which demographic characteristic distinguishes Europe's population from that of Asia, we need to compare and analyze the data related to different demographic factors of both regions. These factors include population size, population density, age distribution, sex ratio, ethnic composition, and level of urbanization.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date data on these demographic characteristics, you can refer to reputable sources such as the United Nations (UN), World Bank, or the World Population Prospects.

1. Population Size: Compare the total population size of Europe and Asia. According to the latest data, Asia has the highest population in the world, while Europe is the third most populous continent. This population difference is a distinguishing characteristic.

2. Population Density: Compare the concentration of people in Europe and Asia. Asia tends to have a higher population density due to its larger population and relatively smaller land area compared to Europe. This disparity in population density is a distinguishing characteristic.

3. Age Distribution: Examine the age structure in Europe and Asia. Europe generally has an older population with a higher proportion of elderly individuals, while Asia has a younger population with a higher proportion of children and young adults. This difference in age distribution is a distinguishing characteristic.

4. Sex Ratio: Analyze the ratio of males to females in Europe and Asia. There may be variations within each region, but overall, Asia tends to have a slightly higher male-to-female ratio compared to Europe. This difference in sex ratio is a distinguishing characteristic.

5. Ethnic Composition: Consider the ethnic diversity in Europe and Asia. Both regions are home to diverse ethnic groups, but Europe is known for its significant diversity due to historical migration patterns. The ethnic composition and diversity in Europe may differ from that of Asia, which is another distinguishing characteristic.

6. Level of Urbanization: Compare the degree of urbanization in Europe and Asia. Europe, especially Western Europe, tends to have a higher level of urbanization with larger cities and urban areas. In Asia, while there are highly urbanized areas, there are also many rural regions with a lower level of urbanization. This difference in the level of urbanization is a distinguishing characteristic.

By comparing these demographic characteristics, we can identify the distinguishing characteristic of Europe's population from that of Asia.