in the woods is a cellular tower that is 72 feet tall and has a 60 foot shadow. next to it is a tree with a 40 foot shadow. how tall is the tree

use a simple ratio and solve for x

72/60 = x/40

28 because if in the woods is a cellular tower that is 72 feet tall and has a 60 foot shadow. next to it is a tree with a 40 foot shadow. how tall is the tree if the cellular tower is 72 feet tall and has a 60 foot shadow.that s deducting 12 feet so 40 - 12 = 28

Zyere is not correct

72/60 = x/40
60x = 40(72)
60x = 2880
x = 48

The ratio of height : shadow must be the same
72 : 60 = 6 : 5 , and
48 : 40 = 6 : 5

To determine the height of the tree, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

Let's assume the height of the tree is represented by 'h'.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

(height of the tower) / (shadow of the tower) = (height of the tree) / (shadow of the tree)

Substituting the given values into the proportion:

72 feet / 60 feet = h / 40 feet

Now, we can solve for 'h' by cross-multiplication:

60 * h = 72 * 40

h = (72 * 40) / 60

Simplifying this expression, we find:

h = 48 feet

Therefore, the height of the tree is 48 feet.