*There are some goats and hens on a farm. They have a total of 99 heads and leg. There are twice as many hens as goats. HOW MANY HENS ARE THERE?

I Did not ur solution @steve

I mean i didn't understand ur solution @steve

h = 2g

2h+4g+h+g = 99
11g = 99

9 goats and 18 hens

To solve this problem, we need to set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of goats is represented by G and the number of hens is represented by H.

From the statement, we know that there are a total of 99 heads and legs combined.

Each goat has one head and four legs, and each hen has one head and two legs.

So, the total number of heads and legs can be expressed as:

Total = Number of goat heads + Number of hen heads + Number of goat legs + Number of hen legs

Or, Total = G + H + 4G + 2H

Simplifying the equation, we get:

Total = 5G + 3H

From the given information, we also know that there are twice as many hens as goats. In equation form, this can be expressed as:

H = 2G

Now, we can substitute the value of H in terms of G into the first equation:

Total = 5G + 3(2G)

Simplifying further:

Total = 5G + 6G

Total = 11G

Since we have the number of heads and legs as 99, we can substitute Total with 99:

99 = 11G

Solving for G, we divide both sides by 11:

G = 99 / 11

G = 9

Now that we know the value of G, we can substitute it back into the equation H = 2G:

H = 2 * 9

H = 18

Therefore, there are 18 hens on the farm.