Samantha was playing a fraction game where she could earn either positive or negative points on each turn.The lowest score she ever recorded was -26 2/3. The highest score was 8 3/4. Which. What expession represents the distance on a number line between her highest and lowest scores?

And your answer is?

To find the distance on a number line between two values, you need to subtract the lower value from the higher value and take the absolute value of the result. In this case, the lower value is -26 2/3, and the higher value is 8 3/4.

To subtract mixed numbers, you first need to convert them into improper fractions. The mixed numbers -26 2/3 and 8 3/4 can be written as -80/3 and 35/4, respectively.

So, the expression that represents the distance on a number line between the lowest and highest scores is:

| -80/3 - 35/4 |

To calculate this, you need to find a common denominator for the fractions, which is 12. Then, convert the fractions:

| -320/12 - 105/12 |

Subtract the numerators:

| -320 - 105 / 12 |

Simplify the numerator:

| -425 / 12 |

Finally, take the absolute value of the result:

| -425 / 12 | = 425 / 12

Therefore, the expression that represents the distance between Samantha's highest and lowest scores on the number line is 425/12.