Is this grammatically correct?

J'aime jouer à des jeux vidéo.

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.

yes is correct

J'aime jouer aux jeux de vidéo

Sra (aka Mme)

I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have other questions.

Yes, the sentence "J'aime jouer à des jeux vidéo" is grammatically correct in French. It translates to "I like playing video games" in English.

To determine if a sentence is grammatically correct, you can check for a few key components:

1. Subject-Verb Agreement: In this sentence, the subject "j'aime" (I like) agrees with the verb "jouer" (to play) in the first person singular form.

2. Word Order: French generally follows a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order, similar to English. In this sentence, the subject "j'aime" (I like) comes first, followed by the verb "jouer" (to play), and then the object "à des jeux vidéo" (video games).

3. Accents: French uses various accents to indicate pronunciation and meaning. In this sentence, the verb "jouer" is correctly written without any accent marks.

By ensuring subject-verb agreement, correct word order, and proper use of accents, you can determine if a sentence is grammatically correct in French.