Rock is thrown from the top of a building. The formula h=-16t+234 describes the height of the rock, h in feet, t seconds after the rock is thrown. how long after the rock is thrown does it hit the ground?

no way

On earth in the ancient feet, inches, slugs, seconds system

h = Hi + Vi t - 16 t^2

please get it right so someone can answer

thanks that's how it is written on my assignment. Seemed off to me. Thanks for your kindness Damon

It is certainly off. Perhaps it means -16 t^2 + zero initial speed up + 34 feet high but it is impossible to be certain. Good luck. The only thing you can be sure of there is -16 t^2

To find the time it takes for the rock to hit the ground, we need to find the value of t when the height, h, is 0.

Given the formula h=-16t+234, we substitute h with 0 and solve for t:

0 = -16t + 234

To solve for t, we can rearrange the equation:

16t = 234
t = 234/16
t = 14.625

Therefore, the rock hits the ground approximately 14.625 seconds after it is thrown.