Two cheeseburgers and one small order of French fries from a fast-food restaurant contain a total of 1120 calories. Three cheeseburgers and two small orders of French fries contain a total of 1870 calories. Find the caloric content of each item.

cheeseburger calories

french fries calories

Let's assume that the caloric content of each cheeseburger is "C" calories and the caloric content of each small order of French fries is "F" calories.

From the given information, we can set up the following system of equations:

Equation 1: 2C + F = 1120
Equation 2: 3C + 2F = 1870

To solve this system of equations, we can use the method of substitution or elimination.

Let's solve using the elimination method:

Multiply Equation 1 by 2: 4C + 2F = 2240

Now subtract Equation 2 from the multiplied Equation 1:

(4C + 2F) - (3C + 2F) = 2240 - 1870
4C + 2F - 3C - 2F = 370
C = 370

Now substitute the value of C into Equation 1:

2(370) + F = 1120
740 + F = 1120
F = 1120 - 740
F = 380

Therefore, each cheeseburger contains 370 calories, and each small order of French fries contains 380 calories.

To find the caloric content of each item, let's assign variables to represent the number of calories in a cheeseburger and a small order of French fries.

Let's say:
- C represents the number of calories in a cheeseburger,
- F represents the number of calories in a small order of French fries.

According to the information given, we can form two equations:

Equation 1: 2C + F = 1120 (Two cheeseburgers and one small order of French fries contain a total of 1120 calories)
Equation 2: 3C + 2F = 1870 (Three cheeseburgers and two small orders of French fries contain a total of 1870 calories)

To solve this system of equations, we can use substitution or elimination method. Let's use the substitution method.

From Equation 1, we can isolate F:
F = 1120 - 2C

Now substitute this value of F into Equation 2:
3C + 2(1120 - 2C) = 1870
3C + 2240 - 4C = 1870
-C = 1870 - 2240
-C = -370

Multiply both sides by -1 to solve for C:
C = 370

Now substitute this value of C into Equation 1 to solve for F:
2(370) + F = 1120
740 + F = 1120
F = 1120 - 740
F = 380

Therefore, a cheeseburger contains 370 calories, and a small order of French fries contains 380 calories.

you are told that

2c+f = 1120
3c+2f = 1870

Now just solve for c and f.